有享优惠网 > 晒单测评
- 【晒单】 ugg Australia 我心中最好的ugg
2018-01-20最早接触ugg是08年 我妈去澳洲出差给我带了双正宗的ugg Australia,那时候国内ugg很少见,那双纽扣中筒巧克力色陪我度过了高中三年,经脏,保暖,毛不塌,可爱......
- 【晒单】
2018-01-20This little pink punk pirate robot bunny has a pirate eye patch, poseable bunny ears, a stitched-on heart and little paws on the bottom of it's feet. All these details add up to one cute robot.Do you want to take it home?it will cost you much.......
- 【晒单】 Wojciech Zamecznik. Part II
- 【晒单】 HAVE A NICE DREAM~我的小可爱
- 【晒单】 【夏威夷】巴黎世家原价$1600福袋价$477到手!?
- 【晒单】
- 【晒单】 在伦敦我多次回头的餐厅(1) flat iron,Leon
- 【晒单】 请帖by WPD (如何从国外订结婚请帖?)
- 【晒单】
2018-01-20昨天终于有机会去尝了尝一下这家很火的网红牛排店Flat Iron。......
- 【晒单】 伦敦网红店 flat iron & 春日穿搭
- 【晒单】 伦敦Flat Iron和Maitre Choux试吃心得
2018-01-20下午刚到伦敦就奔着Flat Iron这家网红牛排店去吃牛排 吃完又去买了Maitre Choux的甜点回酒店吃 吃完立马写心得分享给大家 哈哈......
- 【晒单】 SK中国导师考核 英国sk形象大使Frances亲自demo
- 【晒单】 亲手布置的民宿小家,步行外滩三分钟、绝妙陆家嘴夜景
2018-01-20Hi welcome to Selene's City Jungle, which locate at the most famous busy walking "East Nanjing Rd". Moreover, only TWO mins walk, you can arrive "the Bund" to enjoy the history of Shanghai. Where you sleep, you can see the most famous landmark building such as "The Oriental Pearl TV Tower, Jin Mao tower, Shanghai tower and Shanghai world financial tower." 5 mins to bus stations and 7 mins walk to subway line 2&10. The building you live is over 100 years old that already treated as an culture heritage, people living there is very native who grow up when they are age 6. So you can experience the 80s' lifestyle at such a modern city in Shanghai. Three 24 hrs convenience stores just downstairs and also a police station that makes this living environment both safe and easy. Inside room, air conditioner, TV with foreign shows for friends traveling from overseas, very fast wifi and great quality furniture provided just wish you a nice trip and with a feeling that you are just at your place. Any problem, you can contact the landlord anytime because I had been study overseas for 10 years at England, Canada and Australia, so he can just serve you by your language, just to make your living experience better. Thank you, welcome to Shanghai city jungle, wish you a nice and safe trip.......