怎么办呢?2017年3月以来托福考试就进入大拼盘的状态,n篇文章拼题,来源有新也有往年旧题😣2017年全年都积累整理每次考试的词汇题后发现2018有些还在不断重复哦🤔🤔🤔今天先给大家附上2018年1月2月的托福阅读词汇题哟✍️1月6日converge = meetartificial = human-madeprompts = stimulatesparticular = specificeventually = in the endrecall = rememberunprecedented = never before seenpermanent = constantexcessive = too muchinadvertently = accidentallyrelentless = without pauseencountered =came into contact withmobilize = put into actionremarkable = impressivelethal = deadlystrategy = planenhancing = increasingcompensate for = make up fortemporarily = brieflydevastated = severely damagedinherently = naturallyprolonged = extendedboosting = increasingdeteriorating = worseningpersistent = continuousdisrupted = interfered withappeal = attractionvicinity = areaentailed = necessaryemergence = appearancepresumably = reasonable assumptionin junction with = stick toessential = crucialproportion = sizefurther = moreoverkey = vitalabandon = left behindestablish = provenonetheless = despite of thisingenious = innovativewidespread = commonrigid = exactaugment = supplementderived = obtainedintact = in complete formresume = begin again1月13日dense=closely placedabrupt=suddencore=centerpresumed=supposedoccasionally=sometimesderived=obtaineddrastically=extremelysegregated=separatededge=advantageoverall=generalpractically=almostdiscrete=distinctsimultaneously=at the same timeroutinely=regularlyshore up=bolsteraccommodated=alloweddetected=noticeddebate=argue abouteminent=distinguishedconceivable=imaginabledismiss=rejectrelatively=comparativelycrucial=very importantlaboriously=making much effortdistinguish=separateresemble=similarvulnerable=threaten byplausible=believablesufficiently=enoughsoared=increased dramaticallyapparently affects=seems to affectcomplex=intricatedistinctive=peculiarfluctuation=inconsistencysensitive to=affectnotwithstanding=despitemodify=changediscrepancy=differenceinitiating=startingmaintain=sustain1月27日magnified = increasedpotential = possiblefavorable = advantageousambiguous = unclearadjustable = adaptabledegree = levelmeager = partlyincorporate = containexclusively = onlycompromise = weakendocumented = recordedconvey = transmitproperties = characteristicssubstantially = significantlyallegedly = supposedlyapparent = obviousin profusion = abundantlyreadily = easilyeventually = finallyguard = protectsuitable = appropriatesustain = maintain1月28日ostentatious = showyimmense = largeconstant = continualretain = preserveemanating from = originating inoutgrowth = expansionoutbreak = sudden increaseaccompany = occur along withconverge = come togetherseverity = seriousnesssurge = sudden increaseemit = excrete = releaseingenious = cleverconventional = traditionalvast = hugenotion = idearoutine = commonsubstantially = significantlyultimately = eventuallychaotic = disorganizedcoalesced = joinedsuddenly = abruptlyrefine = improvedsparse = thin2月4日motivation = reasonvicinity = areaa case in point = a good examplebarring = excludingthe course of change = the way the change developedexclusively = onlyregardless of = no matteradaptable to = could be used with iron technologydistinct = clearunfavorable = negativemore permeable = had more places where crossings could occurpursue = engage incomparable = similarhastening = hurryingprolong = extendstrictly = (exist in aquatic environments) onlyreadily = quicklyrudimentary = primitivemotives = reasonsanticipate = predictfoundation = basisisolated = widely separateddistinct = clearmutual = sharedrival = competitorlethal = deadlydisrupted = destroyedappeal = attractionallied = relatedcompilations = collectionsdispersed = spreadremnants = remaindersremote = isolatedcited = mentionedmundane = ordinarydecisive = determining会继续更新哦
怎么办呢?2017年3月以来托福考试就进入大拼盘的状态,n篇文章拼题,来源有新也有往年旧题😣2017年全年都积累整理每次考试的词汇题后发现2018有些还在不断重复哦🤔🤔🤔今天先给大家附上2018年1月2月的托福阅读词汇题哟✍️1月6日converge = meetartificial = human-madeprompts = stimulatesparticular = specificeventually = in the endrecall = rememberunprecedented = never before seenpermanent = constantexcessive = too muchinadvertently = accidentallyrelentless = without pauseencountered =came into contact withmobilize = put into actionremarkable = impressivelethal = deadlystrategy = planenhancing = increasingcompensate for = make up fortemporarily = brieflydevastated = severely damagedinherently = naturallyprolonged = extendedboosting = increasingdeteriorating = worseningpersistent = continuousdisrupted = interfered withappeal = attractionvicinity = areaentailed = necessaryemergence = appearancepresumably = reasonable assumptionin junction with = stick toessential = crucialproportion = sizefurther = moreoverkey = vitalabandon = left behindestablish = provenonetheless = despite of thisingenious = innovativewidespread = commonrigid = exactaugment = supplementderived = obtainedintact = in complete formresume = begin again1月13日dense=closely placedabrupt=suddencore=centerpresumed=supposedoccasionally=sometimesderived=obtaineddrastically=extremelysegregated=separatededge=advantageoverall=generalpractically=almostdiscrete=distinctsimultaneously=at the same timeroutinely=regularlyshore up=bolsteraccommodated=alloweddetected=noticeddebate=argue abouteminent=distinguishedconceivable=imaginabledismiss=rejectrelatively=comparativelycrucial=very importantlaboriously=making much effortdistinguish=separateresemble=similarvulnerable=threaten byplausible=believablesufficiently=enoughsoared=increased dramaticallyapparently affects=seems to affectcomplex=intricatedistinctive=peculiarfluctuation=inconsistencysensitive to=affectnotwithstanding=despitemodify=changediscrepancy=differenceinitiating=startingmaintain=sustain1月27日magnified = increasedpotential = possiblefavorable = advantageousambiguous = unclearadjustable = adaptabledegree = levelmeager = partlyincorporate = containexclusively = onlycompromise = weakendocumented = recordedconvey = transmitproperties = characteristicssubstantially = significantlyallegedly = supposedlyapparent = obviousin profusion = abundantlyreadily = easilyeventually = finallyguard = protectsuitable = appropriatesustain = maintain1月28日ostentatious = showyimmense = largeconstant = continualretain = preserveemanating from = originating inoutgrowth = expansionoutbreak = sudden increaseaccompany = occur along withconverge = come togetherseverity = seriousnesssurge = sudden increaseemit = excrete = releaseingenious = cleverconventional = traditionalvast = hugenotion = idearoutine = commonsubstantially = significantlyultimately = eventuallychaotic = disorganizedcoalesced = joinedsuddenly = abruptlyrefine = improvedsparse = thin2月4日motivation = reasonvicinity = areaa case in point = a good examplebarring = excludingthe course of change = the way the change developedexclusively = onlyregardless of = no matteradaptable to = could be used with iron technologydistinct = clearunfavorable = negativemore permeable = had more places where crossings could occurpursue = engage incomparable = similarhastening = hurryingprolong = extendstrictly = (exist in aquatic environments) onlyreadily = quicklyrudimentary = primitivemotives = reasonsanticipate = predictfoundation = basisisolated = widely separateddistinct = clearmutual = sharedrival = competitorlethal = deadlydisrupted = destroyedappeal = attractionallied = relatedcompilations = collectionsdispersed = spreadremnants = remaindersremote = isolatedcited = mentionedmundane = ordinarydecisive = determining会继续更新哦
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