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(打算先入手一本<鞋狗>)➡2017 Dec🌟Black Flags: The Rise of ISIS(黑旗:ISIS的崛起), by Joby WarrickTurtles All the Way Down(刨根问底), by John GreenThe Color of Law(法律的颜色), by Richard RothsteinThe Best We Could Do(尽我们所能), by Thi Bui🌟Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City(扫地出门 : 美国城市的贫穷与暴利), by Matthew DesmondBelieve Me: A Memoir of Love, Death, and Jazz Chickens(相信我:关于爱、死亡和爵士鸡的回忆录), by Eddie IzzardThe Sympathizer(同情者), by Viet Thanh NguyenEnergy and Civilization: A History(能源与文明:一段历史), by Vaclav Smil➡2017 MayBorn a Crime(天生罪犯), by Trevor NoahThe Heart(那颗心), by Maylis de Kerangal🌟Hillbilly Elegy(乡下人的悲歌), by J
Vance🌟Homo Deus(未来简史), by Yuval Noah HarariA Full Life(充实的一生), by Jimmy Carter➡2016 DecString Theory(弦理论), by David Foster Wallace🌟Shoe Dog(鞋狗), by Phil KnightThe Gene: An Intimate History(基因:亲密的历史), by Siddhartha MukherjeeThe Myth of the Strong Leader(强大领导的秘密), by Archie BrownThe Grid: The Fraying Wires Between Americans and Our Energy Future(电网:美国和能源未来之间的磨损电线), by Gretchen Bakke➡2016 MaySeveneves(七大家族), by Neal Stephenson🌟How Not to be Wrong: The Power of Mathematical Thinking(魔鬼数学:数学思维的力量), by Jordan Ellenberg🌟The Vital Question: Energy, Evolution and the Origins of Complex Life(至关重要的问题:能源、进化和复杂生命的起源), by Nick LaneThe Power to Compete: An Economist and an Entrepreneur on Revitalizing Japan in the Global Economy(竞争的力量:一名经济学家和一名企业家探讨如何在全球化经济环境下振兴日本), by Ryoichi Mikitani and Hiroshi Mikitani🌟Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind(人类简史 : 从动物到上帝), by Noah Yuval Harari➡2015 Dec🌟The Road to Character(品格之路), by David Brooks🌟Thing Explainer: Complicated Stuff in Simple Words(万物解释者 : 复杂事物的极简说明书), by Randall MunroeBeing Nixon: A Man Divided(成为尼克松:一个被分割了的男人), by Evan ThomasSustainable Materials With Both Eyes Open(可持续性材料:如何做到鱼和熊掌兼得), by Julian M
AllwoodEradication: Ridding the World of Diseases Forever?(灭绝:让世界永除疾病祸患?), by Nancy Leys Stepan🌟Mindset: The New Psychology of Success(心理定向与成功), by Carol S
Dweck🌟The Vital Question:Why is life the way it is?(生命之源 : 能量、演化與複雜生命的起源), by Nick Lane➡2015 May🌟Hyperbole and a Half:Unfortunate Situations, Flawed Coping Mechanisms, Mayhem, and Other Things That Happened(我幼稚的时候好有范:世界贼深沉,我有我鲜招
), by Allie Brosh🌟The Magic of Reality:How We Know What's Really True(自然的魔法:我们怎么知道什么是真的), by Richard Dawkins🌟What If?:: Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions(那些古怪又让人忧心的问题), by Randall MunroeXKCD, by Randall Munroe🌟On Immunity:An Inoculation(免疫), by Eula Biss🌟How to Lie With Statistics(统计数字会撒谎), by Darrell HuffShould We Eat Meat?:Evolution and Consequences of Modern Carnivory(我们该不该吃肉), by Vaclav Smil书单[话题]我的私藏书单[话题]我的睡前书单[话题]读书打卡[话题]读书笔记[话题]正在读书[话题]在路上读书[话题]
(打算先入手一本<鞋狗>)➡2017 Dec🌟Black Flags: The Rise of ISIS(黑旗:ISIS的崛起), by Joby WarrickTurtles All the Way Down(刨根问底), by John GreenThe Color of Law(法律的颜色), by Richard RothsteinThe Best We Could Do(尽我们所能), by Thi Bui🌟Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City(扫地出门 : 美国城市的贫穷与暴利), by Matthew DesmondBelieve Me: A Memoir of Love, Death, and Jazz Chickens(相信我:关于爱、死亡和爵士鸡的回忆录), by Eddie IzzardThe Sympathizer(同情者), by Viet Thanh NguyenEnergy and Civilization: A History(能源与文明:一段历史), by Vaclav Smil➡2017 MayBorn a Crime(天生罪犯), by Trevor NoahThe Heart(那颗心), by Maylis de Kerangal🌟Hillbilly Elegy(乡下人的悲歌), by J
Vance🌟Homo Deus(未来简史), by Yuval Noah HarariA Full Life(充实的一生), by Jimmy Carter➡2016 DecString Theory(弦理论), by David Foster Wallace🌟Shoe Dog(鞋狗), by Phil KnightThe Gene: An Intimate History(基因:亲密的历史), by Siddhartha MukherjeeThe Myth of the Strong Leader(强大领导的秘密), by Archie BrownThe Grid: The Fraying Wires Between Americans and Our Energy Future(电网:美国和能源未来之间的磨损电线), by Gretchen Bakke➡2016 MaySeveneves(七大家族), by Neal Stephenson🌟How Not to be Wrong: The Power of Mathematical Thinking(魔鬼数学:数学思维的力量), by Jordan Ellenberg🌟The Vital Question: Energy, Evolution and the Origins of Complex Life(至关重要的问题:能源、进化和复杂生命的起源), by Nick LaneThe Power to Compete: An Economist and an Entrepreneur on Revitalizing Japan in the Global Economy(竞争的力量:一名经济学家和一名企业家探讨如何在全球化经济环境下振兴日本), by Ryoichi Mikitani and Hiroshi Mikitani🌟Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind(人类简史 : 从动物到上帝), by Noah Yuval Harari➡2015 Dec🌟The Road to Character(品格之路), by David Brooks🌟Thing Explainer: Complicated Stuff in Simple Words(万物解释者 : 复杂事物的极简说明书), by Randall MunroeBeing Nixon: A Man Divided(成为尼克松:一个被分割了的男人), by Evan ThomasSustainable Materials With Both Eyes Open(可持续性材料:如何做到鱼和熊掌兼得), by Julian M
AllwoodEradication: Ridding the World of Diseases Forever?(灭绝:让世界永除疾病祸患?), by Nancy Leys Stepan🌟Mindset: The New Psychology of Success(心理定向与成功), by Carol S
Dweck🌟The Vital Question:Why is life the way it is?(生命之源 : 能量、演化與複雜生命的起源), by Nick Lane➡2015 May🌟Hyperbole and a Half:Unfortunate Situations, Flawed Coping Mechanisms, Mayhem, and Other Things That Happened(我幼稚的时候好有范:世界贼深沉,我有我鲜招
), by Allie Brosh🌟The Magic of Reality:How We Know What's Really True(自然的魔法:我们怎么知道什么是真的), by Richard Dawkins🌟What If?:: Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions(那些古怪又让人忧心的问题), by Randall MunroeXKCD, by Randall Munroe🌟On Immunity:An Inoculation(免疫), by Eula Biss🌟How to Lie With Statistics(统计数字会撒谎), by Darrell HuffShould We Eat Meat?:Evolution and Consequences of Modern Carnivory(我们该不该吃肉), by Vaclav Smil书单[话题]我的私藏书单[话题]我的睡前书单[话题]读书打卡[话题]读书笔记[话题]正在读书[话题]在路上读书[话题]