30句经典语录,句句戳心 | 生活精髓
30句经典语录,句句戳心 | 生活精髓🌟01 恋爱是什么,是浪漫
What is the feeling of falling in love? Romance!What is romance? It’s a deep affection out of no reason, and out of blue
02 要自由的人,其实要担最大的责任,选别人少走的路的人,背负最沉重的枷锁
A man aspiring after freedom shoulders the greatest responsibility,takes the less travelled road, and carries the heaviest shackles
There is no flying that doesn’t fight gravity
03 有时候不是我们天生容易遇渣男,是彼此价值观不吻合,互相碾压,把对方都弄成了渣
Sometimes, we are not destined to meet playboys
Most of the time, we grind our lover into junkbecause we don’t agree with each other over values
04 爱情,被戳穿就是骗局,没戳穿就是信仰
Love, if the bubble is pricked, is called deception; if not, is called belief
05 自由之代价使自由更加高贵
The expense of freedom makes it nobler
06 有些人出现在你的生命里,是为了告诉你:你真好骗
Some people come to you in your lifeto make you know that you are such an easy target
07 都说女人是男人身上的一根肋骨,你跟你的器官讲隐私
As is quoted from the Bible, woman is a rib in a man
How can a man talks about piracy with his organ?08 人类最可悲的是什么?我们每一个人都在用生命想要去论证: 我跟别人不同,可是恰恰是这种想要论证跟别人不同的心态,最TM相同
What’s the biggest tragedy for human beings?Each of us wants to prove that I am different from others
But, the mentality of proving uniqueness is ridiculously identical
You want to be the different fireworks,only to find firecrackers all around the ground speak louder than you
09 午夜梦回,枕边人不是心上人,心上人已是梦中人
In the middle of the night, you find your bedmate is not your sweetheart
Your sweetheart only exists in your dream
10 我愿意有这样的一个人,让我爱上她;让我不再计较得失;让我不再心猿意马;让我不再随波逐流
I'm longing for the one with whom I will fall in love
I will not scheme about gains and losses; I will not drift along absent-mindedly,because the moment I lose my heart to her, I have met the best self
11 鬼知道今生挚爱是什么,我有可能遇到鬼我都不可能遇到今生挚爱
Only heaven knows who is the love of my life?I am more likely to meet a ghost than find the destined one
12 每个人的心中都有一匹欲望的野马
Indeed, in everyone’s heart lives a wild horse
it's either free-range or domesticated
But please don’t pretend it doesn’t exist and deny it
All of us should be set free and live to our heart’s content
13 真正的童话故事,不是王子遇见了公主从此过上了幸福的生活,而是一个平庸的我,遇见了一个平庸的你,我们愿意放下幻想,放弃标准,做一对相互依偎的狗
The real fairy tale isn’t that prince and princess live a happy life
Instead, it is about us
Once the ordinary you and I have met,we are willing to put behind our visionaries, discard our standards,and whole-heartedly become a pair of dogs snuggling against each other
At the moment, we only want to hug and stay loyal to each other
14 你是那颗星星,我是你旁边的这颗星,我的整个轨迹是被你影响
You are this starI am the star next to youYou influence my whole trajectoryEven one day you diminish,Into ashes and dark matter,Into something invisibleYou still have a leverage over my trajectoryYour appearance forever changes my trajectory,Wherever you go!Right Here WaitingRichard Marx - Greatest Hits15 歧视不单单是永远对你恶语相向,歧视也往往是在划分你我
Discrimination is more than malicious talk
It is about making the distinction between you and me
I would rather my parents be kept inside a drumthan have them exposed in the wildness,standing against herds of preying beasts in front of me
16 女人想要的往往不是真相,而是她们想要的真相What women really want is not truth, but the truth they like
17 人生很吊诡的那个地方在于:你往往很动心的那个时刻,都是在你还没准备好的时候遇到
The paradox in life is thatmost of time,when you have a crush on someone, you are not ready;when you get ready, you can hardly find the moment that once took your breath away
18 选择我爱的人是给自己制造伤口,选择爱我的人是给自己一副盔甲
To choose a man I love is to create wounds for myself;to choose a man who loves me is to give myself a suit of armor
19 当你没有上进心的时候,你是在杀人,你不小心,杀了自己的人生
When you entertain no ambition,You are killing yourself,You accidentally kill your own life
20 “撑过去”是一种祝福和鼓励,可是对于绝症病人来说,“撑下去”,真的是一种诅咒
Normally, hanging on is a kind of blessing and encouragement
But for terminally ill patients, hanging on is really a curse
21 第一等智慧的人都是自相矛盾的,两个原则没有任何一个是对的,只有在具体的时间和地点,做出的唯一正好的判断,才是对的
—中庸,是恰到好处People with first-class wisdom are all paradoxical
Neither of the two principles is right
The only rightness is to make the correct judgement,at the specific time and place
Moderation is all about to the point
22 奋斗不一定成功,但是不奋斗真的好舒服
Striving doesn’t necessarily lead to success,but giving up struggling is really comfortable
23 如果你没有前几年坚持的能力,你就没有后几年选择的权利
If you don’t have the capacity to hang on in the first few years,you are not entitled with the rights for free choice in your latter years
24 任何被世界玩弄的人,都表现的玩世不恭
Those fooled by the world always look cynical at the first sight
25 靠谱的事情只是在模仿,不靠谱的才能打上自己的烙印
Reliable stuff are nothing but imitation
Only those unreliable are branded with unique marks
26 美好的东西都会掺杂虚伪的成分
All the beauty is mingled with hypocrisy
For example, interesting novels are fictional
Delicious food are seasoned
Truth is cold
Art needs embellishment
Everything, if undecorated, is very boring
But after we add some artificial, visionary elements,they become gorgeous
Hypocrisy creates beauty
27 这么多年虚心纳谏的领导我是没见到过,虚心纳妾的到不少
For the most time of my life, I have barely seen leaders humbly taking advice,but known many leaders taking concubines
28 什么车需要备胎,破车,什么人需要备选,烂人
What kind of cars need spare tire? A broken car
What kind of people need a candidate lover? A loser
29 动物之间所有的亲情都靠血缘,而人类之间的亲情,还有可能是,恩义
In the animal world, family ties are bonded by blood;but for human beings, besides that, there is spiritual gratitude
30 用自己的故事,去改变别人的人生,好容易导致别人的故事写错
Using you own stories to change others' life may easily lead tomistakes in other people's life story
What is the feeling of falling in love? Romance!What is romance? It’s a deep affection out of no reason, and out of blue
02 要自由的人,其实要担最大的责任,选别人少走的路的人,背负最沉重的枷锁
A man aspiring after freedom shoulders the greatest responsibility,takes the less travelled road, and carries the heaviest shackles
There is no flying that doesn’t fight gravity
03 有时候不是我们天生容易遇渣男,是彼此价值观不吻合,互相碾压,把对方都弄成了渣
Sometimes, we are not destined to meet playboys
Most of the time, we grind our lover into junkbecause we don’t agree with each other over values
04 爱情,被戳穿就是骗局,没戳穿就是信仰
Love, if the bubble is pricked, is called deception; if not, is called belief
05 自由之代价使自由更加高贵
The expense of freedom makes it nobler
06 有些人出现在你的生命里,是为了告诉你:你真好骗
Some people come to you in your lifeto make you know that you are such an easy target
07 都说女人是男人身上的一根肋骨,你跟你的器官讲隐私
As is quoted from the Bible, woman is a rib in a man
How can a man talks about piracy with his organ?08 人类最可悲的是什么?我们每一个人都在用生命想要去论证: 我跟别人不同,可是恰恰是这种想要论证跟别人不同的心态,最TM相同
What’s the biggest tragedy for human beings?Each of us wants to prove that I am different from others
But, the mentality of proving uniqueness is ridiculously identical
You want to be the different fireworks,only to find firecrackers all around the ground speak louder than you
09 午夜梦回,枕边人不是心上人,心上人已是梦中人
In the middle of the night, you find your bedmate is not your sweetheart
Your sweetheart only exists in your dream
10 我愿意有这样的一个人,让我爱上她;让我不再计较得失;让我不再心猿意马;让我不再随波逐流
I'm longing for the one with whom I will fall in love
I will not scheme about gains and losses; I will not drift along absent-mindedly,because the moment I lose my heart to her, I have met the best self
11 鬼知道今生挚爱是什么,我有可能遇到鬼我都不可能遇到今生挚爱
Only heaven knows who is the love of my life?I am more likely to meet a ghost than find the destined one
12 每个人的心中都有一匹欲望的野马
Indeed, in everyone’s heart lives a wild horse
it's either free-range or domesticated
But please don’t pretend it doesn’t exist and deny it
All of us should be set free and live to our heart’s content
13 真正的童话故事,不是王子遇见了公主从此过上了幸福的生活,而是一个平庸的我,遇见了一个平庸的你,我们愿意放下幻想,放弃标准,做一对相互依偎的狗
The real fairy tale isn’t that prince and princess live a happy life
Instead, it is about us
Once the ordinary you and I have met,we are willing to put behind our visionaries, discard our standards,and whole-heartedly become a pair of dogs snuggling against each other
At the moment, we only want to hug and stay loyal to each other
14 你是那颗星星,我是你旁边的这颗星,我的整个轨迹是被你影响
You are this starI am the star next to youYou influence my whole trajectoryEven one day you diminish,Into ashes and dark matter,Into something invisibleYou still have a leverage over my trajectoryYour appearance forever changes my trajectory,Wherever you go!Right Here WaitingRichard Marx - Greatest Hits15 歧视不单单是永远对你恶语相向,歧视也往往是在划分你我
Discrimination is more than malicious talk
It is about making the distinction between you and me
I would rather my parents be kept inside a drumthan have them exposed in the wildness,standing against herds of preying beasts in front of me
16 女人想要的往往不是真相,而是她们想要的真相What women really want is not truth, but the truth they like
17 人生很吊诡的那个地方在于:你往往很动心的那个时刻,都是在你还没准备好的时候遇到
The paradox in life is thatmost of time,when you have a crush on someone, you are not ready;when you get ready, you can hardly find the moment that once took your breath away
18 选择我爱的人是给自己制造伤口,选择爱我的人是给自己一副盔甲
To choose a man I love is to create wounds for myself;to choose a man who loves me is to give myself a suit of armor
19 当你没有上进心的时候,你是在杀人,你不小心,杀了自己的人生
When you entertain no ambition,You are killing yourself,You accidentally kill your own life
20 “撑过去”是一种祝福和鼓励,可是对于绝症病人来说,“撑下去”,真的是一种诅咒
Normally, hanging on is a kind of blessing and encouragement
But for terminally ill patients, hanging on is really a curse
21 第一等智慧的人都是自相矛盾的,两个原则没有任何一个是对的,只有在具体的时间和地点,做出的唯一正好的判断,才是对的
—中庸,是恰到好处People with first-class wisdom are all paradoxical
Neither of the two principles is right
The only rightness is to make the correct judgement,at the specific time and place
Moderation is all about to the point
22 奋斗不一定成功,但是不奋斗真的好舒服
Striving doesn’t necessarily lead to success,but giving up struggling is really comfortable
23 如果你没有前几年坚持的能力,你就没有后几年选择的权利
If you don’t have the capacity to hang on in the first few years,you are not entitled with the rights for free choice in your latter years
24 任何被世界玩弄的人,都表现的玩世不恭
Those fooled by the world always look cynical at the first sight
25 靠谱的事情只是在模仿,不靠谱的才能打上自己的烙印
Reliable stuff are nothing but imitation
Only those unreliable are branded with unique marks
26 美好的东西都会掺杂虚伪的成分
All the beauty is mingled with hypocrisy
For example, interesting novels are fictional
Delicious food are seasoned
Truth is cold
Art needs embellishment
Everything, if undecorated, is very boring
But after we add some artificial, visionary elements,they become gorgeous
Hypocrisy creates beauty
27 这么多年虚心纳谏的领导我是没见到过,虚心纳妾的到不少
For the most time of my life, I have barely seen leaders humbly taking advice,but known many leaders taking concubines
28 什么车需要备胎,破车,什么人需要备选,烂人
What kind of cars need spare tire? A broken car
What kind of people need a candidate lover? A loser
29 动物之间所有的亲情都靠血缘,而人类之间的亲情,还有可能是,恩义
In the animal world, family ties are bonded by blood;but for human beings, besides that, there is spiritual gratitude
30 用自己的故事,去改变别人的人生,好容易导致别人的故事写错
Using you own stories to change others' life may easily lead tomistakes in other people's life story