男朋友不能找丑的 护肤品也要选美的
男朋友不能找丑的 护肤品也要选美的韩国Chica Y Chico 旗下 Molang Cream系列 第一个产品 Milky Vanilia 牛奶香草润肤膏👍这是一款解救敏感干皮妹子的礼物👯👯👯👯(我混油皮依然体验效果佳 据说油皮不会爱 是不是用多了)✨无着色 无香料 无矿物油 无苯甲酮 无类固醇 无滑石粉经测试100%安全 包装盒配有认证贴纸👇介绍下成分和功能(参考Wishtrend网站 我会贴在后面(^_^;)💖香草提取物和牛油果油 起到镇定肌肤的作用💖新西兰牛初乳 帮助抵抗外界刺激💖透明质酸和神经酰胺帮助锁水 控油 抗炎 避免外界伤害保湿 镇定 紧致 长时间使用可以 均匀肤色 柔滑肌理 提供养分 适合任意肌肤 修复日照伤害 减少黑色素产生☝包装采用塑料内盒 铝金属外壳 配合Molang的形象 颜控党疯狂中招有木有膏体看上去不滑腻 很好推 完全渗透 全无负担 因为看评论 除了油皮说不好 其他几乎给满分 所以我下手比较慎重 整脸分四个区少量推 最后一起按摩 非常舒服 皮肤软软的 强烈推荐 现在说会回购尚早 但依然给满分我是在759 Kawaii land柯士甸分店买的 周末七折购入 比美国和韩国都便宜 真心捡到宝网址贴在这 如果你们也用了 一起交流吧http://www
html👉「更新」有国外资深博主使用三周后这样评价So far I’ve been using this cream for almost 3 weeks and all I gotta say for now is the cream doesn’t work instantly like a magic as I can’t see or feel any differences on my skin as for now… which is actually a good thing because this cream is a brightening cream! Usually brightening or whitening cream will took a lot of time and our patience as well for us to see the effect and if the cream is really like a magic which shows the whitening/brightening effect in just 1 day or less, wow there’s must be something wrong with the cream
If there’s actually a whitening/brightening product like that, sure it will show you the effect for awhile but when you actually stop using it, your skin condition usually will actually get worse
So what I’m saying is, it’s good for a skincare products to actually takes time to show its effect because if it doesn’t take that much time it means the product contains too much chemical and less with natural ingredients but of course, I do believe that a safe magical product that gives you a great skin after using short time of period do exist somewhere in this world, maybe
用完一盒之后她已经疯狂的爱上了Molang,你们感受下UPDATE!! : OMGGG, I’m almost finish using the whole cream! OAO; I’m astounded at how fast that I almost finish using the whole cream! It’s a RARITY for me! Seriously! Usually it will take me forever to finish a cream or I never finish them at all as usually I’m not really fond of a moisturizer/emulsion/cream so, so, I’m really really really surprised this time how it doesn’t take me that long to finish a cream and how I actually can finish it! I’ve never like using cream before so please excuse how excited I’m to tell you guys that I really am in love with this Molang Cream
I’m not really 100% certain about it but I think this Molang Cream helps my skin become smooth! Usually I’ll get new small pimples often here and there or when I’m on my period, I’ll get a new 1-3 big pimples
Surprisingly, when I’m using this Molang Cream, I don’t get any new big pimples anymore when I’m on period and there’s no new small pimples too! My skin so much softer and smoother than before
I’m surprised with how it really helps me get a baby skin! This cream sure loves to surprise me as I can’t stop telling you guys how many times I was surprised
姨妈期都不爆痘了 你们还要不要花那么多钱买健康水🙆🙋💆👯💃💖(更多review欢迎分享)*11
2015 update*好用 好用 好用又囤了两个 啦啦啦
html👉「更新」有国外资深博主使用三周后这样评价So far I’ve been using this cream for almost 3 weeks and all I gotta say for now is the cream doesn’t work instantly like a magic as I can’t see or feel any differences on my skin as for now… which is actually a good thing because this cream is a brightening cream! Usually brightening or whitening cream will took a lot of time and our patience as well for us to see the effect and if the cream is really like a magic which shows the whitening/brightening effect in just 1 day or less, wow there’s must be something wrong with the cream
If there’s actually a whitening/brightening product like that, sure it will show you the effect for awhile but when you actually stop using it, your skin condition usually will actually get worse
So what I’m saying is, it’s good for a skincare products to actually takes time to show its effect because if it doesn’t take that much time it means the product contains too much chemical and less with natural ingredients but of course, I do believe that a safe magical product that gives you a great skin after using short time of period do exist somewhere in this world, maybe
用完一盒之后她已经疯狂的爱上了Molang,你们感受下UPDATE!! : OMGGG, I’m almost finish using the whole cream! OAO; I’m astounded at how fast that I almost finish using the whole cream! It’s a RARITY for me! Seriously! Usually it will take me forever to finish a cream or I never finish them at all as usually I’m not really fond of a moisturizer/emulsion/cream so, so, I’m really really really surprised this time how it doesn’t take me that long to finish a cream and how I actually can finish it! I’ve never like using cream before so please excuse how excited I’m to tell you guys that I really am in love with this Molang Cream
I’m not really 100% certain about it but I think this Molang Cream helps my skin become smooth! Usually I’ll get new small pimples often here and there or when I’m on my period, I’ll get a new 1-3 big pimples
Surprisingly, when I’m using this Molang Cream, I don’t get any new big pimples anymore when I’m on period and there’s no new small pimples too! My skin so much softer and smoother than before
I’m surprised with how it really helps me get a baby skin! This cream sure loves to surprise me as I can’t stop telling you guys how many times I was surprised
姨妈期都不爆痘了 你们还要不要花那么多钱买健康水🙆🙋💆👯💃💖(更多review欢迎分享)*11
2015 update*好用 好用 好用又囤了两个 啦啦啦
现在怎么买啊亲 万能的tb都找不到 好想买啊
这么好的产品 应该让更多人了解 你说对不对