our love in SEA
第一篇日記寫寫我哋係SEA都鍾意啲Molly moon's homemade ice cream吧💏點發現西雅圖這心愛之地該因愛人喺空間po過Molly Moon's啲相而本人又喺ice cream啲終身鐵粉一年4季 365日都恨不得擁抱雪糕嘅人兒肯定做足功課啦西雅圖最出名啲必去之地Molly moon's雪糕logo主打色喺我鍾意啲blue 還有果隻得意啲狗仔主打純手工 健康又美味 官方同民選都係No.1Wallingford係原始店university village都有分店plan去美國前係airbnb上搵住所都係圍繞1622.5的Molly moon's而搵😎(閨蜜話我神探)正如親愛的他說安顿下来后🏠发现真的越来越喜欢西雅图💘特别是住在雪糕店附近😘感觉心情都美好起来😄第一次會面 心裡面霖 你會不會突然地出現 在街邊的雪糕店第一次選啲喺honey lavender 仲可以見到細小啲淡紫色花瓣(Honey lavender,Inspired by the flavors of the Pacific Northwest, use locally harvested wild honey and bits of organic lavender from Sequim, on the Olympic Peninsula.)果日倒完時差 出去green lake散步 再兜去Molly moon's果時已相當於廣東深秋 有d凍 但絲毫唔影響食雪糕的興致😝嘴唇有啲dry 仲買左隻純手工製作啲coconut唇膏後來係10.4晚 downtown返來 咳到死死下 但都係要食雪糕😳揀左Molly's favourite 👍到冇得彈 心滿意足幸福啲味道 叫我如何可以不愛他(Molly's Favorite Sundae is the perfect mix of salty and sweet - melted chocolate and salted caramel ice creams with hot fudge, candied hazelnuts, local, organic whipped cream and a Chukar Cherry.)啊~好掛住Molly moon's,好掛住SEA吖❤️閨蜜曾問我 你唔會仲想去SEA吧?why not?!