双语育儿 | 懒癌父母必备英文绘本讲义 | 第1期
2017母婴年度盘点宝宝英文启蒙绘本 宝宝学英文 @生活薯 @薯宝宝 @薯队长 @小红叔【推荐理由】动物可爱、色彩丰富、认知季节、撕不烂【作者简介】Richard Scarry (1919-1994),美国最著名的儿童绘本作者之一,全球销量超过一亿册,本书是Scarry老爷爷在1963年创作的,半个多世纪以来一直作为英语国家儿童的绘本首选
【Do的反馈】这本书是Do妈在电商上买的,大概20元左右,看好几个双语书单都推荐了这本纸板书,说是很硬撕不烂,当时Do刚开始长第一颗牙,喜欢咬东西、撕纸,买的书要是薄了根本生存不了几天,这本书都1年多了除了正常的磨损外还完好无损,强推!目前Do物权意识处于启蒙阶段,Do妈拿这本书准备讲义的时候,Do很不开心的说“Do Bunny,不要妈妈拿”,看来这本书在Do心里真的占了很重要的分量
注:[]里面是音标;()里面是读书时的手势,可以参考使用 《I am a Bunny》绘本讲义0. 封面页【绘本内容】I am a Bunny ['bʌni]!我是一只小兔子.【讲稿内容】(用手指着小兔子)This is a Bunny!1. 第一页【绘本内容】I am a bunny ['bʌni].我是一只小兔子.My name is Nicholas ['nɪkələs] .我的名字叫尼古拉斯.I live in a hollow ['hɑlo] tree.这颗空心树是我家.【讲稿内容】(用手划拉一下整个页面)Where is the bunny?(等宝宝找兔子)Here!Bunny lives in a hollow tree.(用手指着绿色的叶子)There are many green leaves [livz] on the tree. Green leaves.(用手指着鸟妈妈)Look here! This is Mama bird.(用手指着鸟宝宝们)They are Baby birds. Can you chirp [tʃɝp] like a bird?(发出“叽叽喳喳”的声音)So cute!(指着那条虫子)Mama bird is feeding ['fidɪŋ] the babies with worms [wɝm]! Baby birds like eating worms!2. 第二页【绘本内容】In the spring, I like to pick flowers.春天,我喜欢摘下路边的小花感受一下.【讲稿内容】(重复找兔子的仪式感)Where is the bunny?(指出兔子)Here!Bunny likes to pick flowers!(用手指着任意一朵花)Spring comes,Flower blooms [blum]!(让宝宝认识白花和黄花)This is a white flower. White.This ia a yellow flower. Yellow.(指小兔子)Bunny stands on the grass. He picks a yellow flower.(让宝宝找一下白花和黄花)Baby, where is the whiter flower? Here!Where is the yellow flower? There!3. 第三页【绘本内容】I chase [tʃeɪs] the butterflies ['bʌtɚ,flai],我追蝴蝶,and the butterflies chase me.蝴蝶追我.【讲稿内容】Where is the bunny? Here!Bunny likes butterflies!(指着黄蝴蝶)This is a yellow butterfly. yellow(指着白色蝴蝶)This is a white butterfly. white(指着紫色蝴蝶)This is a purple butterfly. purple(找不同颜色的蝴蝶,主要是白色和黄色,因为和上页颜色相同)Can you find the yellow butterfly? Here!Can you find the white butterfly? Here!4. 第四页【绘本内容】In the summer , I like to lie [laɪ] in the sun and watch the birds.夏天,我喜欢躺在阳光下,看小鸟飞翔
【讲稿内容】Where is the bunny? Here!Bunny is lying on the grass. He is watching the birds.(指鸟)Look,there are four birds. One bird, two birds ,three birds, Four birds! One,two,three,four!Oh, what is behind the little bunny?(指着草莓)This is the strawberry!['strɔbɛri] strawberry!strawberry!(指引宝宝找白色小花)Can you find a white flower?Here!5. 第五页【绘本内容】And I like to watch the frogs [frɔɡ] in the pond [pɑnd].我喜欢看池塘里的小青蛙.【讲稿内容】Where is the bunny? Here!(指着坐在木桩上的正在看青蛙的小兔子)Bunny is sitting on a piece of wood and watching the frogs.(数青蛙)How many frogs are there? One,two,three,four! There are four frogs!(指着正在跳的那只青蛙)One frog is jumping.(引导宝宝跟着青蛙跳)Baby,can you jump like a frog?(指黄荷花)This is a yellow water lily.(找白小花)Can you find white flowers?Here.6. 第六页【绘本内容】When it rains,I keep dry under a toadstool['todstul].下雨的时候,我在蘑菇下避雨.【讲稿内容】Look,it’s raining!(嘴里说“哗哗哗”)Where is the bunny? Here!(指着小兔子)Woo~~~The Bunny is very clever ['klɛvɚ].He keeps dry under a toadstool.(指着那群白色小蘑菇)Woo~there are many toadstools on the grass!Who else is under a toadstool?(指着瓢虫)A Ladybug!Ladybug.(指青蛙)Oh, here is a frog!The frog likes the rain. He sit on a toadstool!7. 第七页【绘本内容】I blow the dandelion ['dændɪlaɪən] seeds into the air.我把蒲公英的种子往天上吹.【讲稿内容】Where is the bunny? Here!(家长用嘴吹一下)Bunny is blowing the seeds. blow!(再吹一下宝宝的头发)blow!Mama blows on baby.(说完吹一下,引导宝宝吹妈妈,多做几次吹的动作)Baby blows on mama. blow!(引导宝宝指黄花)Can you find a yellow flower? Here!8. 第八页【绘本内容】In the fall [fɔl], I like to watch the leaves falling from the trees.秋天,我喜欢看树叶从树上飘落.【讲稿内容】Where is the bunny? Here!(指叶子)Fall is coming. The leaves are falling from the trees!Bunny likes to watch the leaves falling from the trees.(指着半绿半红的树叶)The leaves change the color from green to red. green!(指红树叶)Red.9. 第九页【绘本内容】I watch the animals getting ready for the winter.我喜欢看动物们为冬天做准备.【讲稿内容】Fall is coming to an end.(指着树)The leaves turn red.(指着松鼠旁边的几个大的红叶子,重复)red leaves!red leaves! The grass also turns yellow. Where is the bunny? Here.What is bunny doing?(指松鼠,多重复几遍松鼠这个单词)Bunny is watching the squirrels [ˈskwɜ:rəl] getting ready for the winters. Squirrel. squirrel.(指松鼠嘴里的坚果)Squirrels like to eat nuts. Nut. Nut. Squirrels live in a hollow tree. Woo~ Raccoons [ræ'kun] also live in a hollow tree.(指那两只浣熊,多重复几次)this is a raccoon!raccoon!raccoon!Who else are on this page?(指着三只大雁)This the wild goose [ɡus]!(重复) Wild goose!(做飞的动作,嘴里发出“呜呜”的飞的声音)Wild goose are flying south! Fly. fly.10. 第十页【绘本内容】And, when winter comes, I watch the snow falling from the sky.冬天到了,我看着雪花从天空飘落.【讲稿内容】Where is the bunny? Here!(指兔子的帽子、手套)Bunny puts on his hat and gloves. Why?(学习冬季)Because the winter comes!(做出发抖的表情)It is cold!(用手指雪)this is snow. It is white. Bunny likes to touch the snow.11. 第十一页【绘本内容】Then I curl [kɝl] up in my hollow tree and dream about spring.我在空心树里蜷缩着身体睡着了,梦着来年春天.【讲稿内容】Where is the bunny? Here!(做脱衣服的动作)Bunny takes off his clothes.(指被子)Bunny is under the covers.(做出蜷缩身体的动作,让宝宝掌握这个动作)He curls up in the hollow tree. Curl up!(让宝宝经常练习说晚安)Say good night to bunny! Good night.文/Do妈----------------Do妈双语绘本讲义音标例句全都有帮助懒癌父母实现双语启蒙让绘本里的英文不再吃灰
【Do的反馈】这本书是Do妈在电商上买的,大概20元左右,看好几个双语书单都推荐了这本纸板书,说是很硬撕不烂,当时Do刚开始长第一颗牙,喜欢咬东西、撕纸,买的书要是薄了根本生存不了几天,这本书都1年多了除了正常的磨损外还完好无损,强推!目前Do物权意识处于启蒙阶段,Do妈拿这本书准备讲义的时候,Do很不开心的说“Do Bunny,不要妈妈拿”,看来这本书在Do心里真的占了很重要的分量
注:[]里面是音标;()里面是读书时的手势,可以参考使用 《I am a Bunny》绘本讲义0. 封面页【绘本内容】I am a Bunny ['bʌni]!我是一只小兔子.【讲稿内容】(用手指着小兔子)This is a Bunny!1. 第一页【绘本内容】I am a bunny ['bʌni].我是一只小兔子.My name is Nicholas ['nɪkələs] .我的名字叫尼古拉斯.I live in a hollow ['hɑlo] tree.这颗空心树是我家.【讲稿内容】(用手划拉一下整个页面)Where is the bunny?(等宝宝找兔子)Here!Bunny lives in a hollow tree.(用手指着绿色的叶子)There are many green leaves [livz] on the tree. Green leaves.(用手指着鸟妈妈)Look here! This is Mama bird.(用手指着鸟宝宝们)They are Baby birds. Can you chirp [tʃɝp] like a bird?(发出“叽叽喳喳”的声音)So cute!(指着那条虫子)Mama bird is feeding ['fidɪŋ] the babies with worms [wɝm]! Baby birds like eating worms!2. 第二页【绘本内容】In the spring, I like to pick flowers.春天,我喜欢摘下路边的小花感受一下.【讲稿内容】(重复找兔子的仪式感)Where is the bunny?(指出兔子)Here!Bunny likes to pick flowers!(用手指着任意一朵花)Spring comes,Flower blooms [blum]!(让宝宝认识白花和黄花)This is a white flower. White.This ia a yellow flower. Yellow.(指小兔子)Bunny stands on the grass. He picks a yellow flower.(让宝宝找一下白花和黄花)Baby, where is the whiter flower? Here!Where is the yellow flower? There!3. 第三页【绘本内容】I chase [tʃeɪs] the butterflies ['bʌtɚ,flai],我追蝴蝶,and the butterflies chase me.蝴蝶追我.【讲稿内容】Where is the bunny? Here!Bunny likes butterflies!(指着黄蝴蝶)This is a yellow butterfly. yellow(指着白色蝴蝶)This is a white butterfly. white(指着紫色蝴蝶)This is a purple butterfly. purple(找不同颜色的蝴蝶,主要是白色和黄色,因为和上页颜色相同)Can you find the yellow butterfly? Here!Can you find the white butterfly? Here!4. 第四页【绘本内容】In the summer , I like to lie [laɪ] in the sun and watch the birds.夏天,我喜欢躺在阳光下,看小鸟飞翔
【讲稿内容】Where is the bunny? Here!Bunny is lying on the grass. He is watching the birds.(指鸟)Look,there are four birds. One bird, two birds ,three birds, Four birds! One,two,three,four!Oh, what is behind the little bunny?(指着草莓)This is the strawberry!['strɔbɛri] strawberry!strawberry!(指引宝宝找白色小花)Can you find a white flower?Here!5. 第五页【绘本内容】And I like to watch the frogs [frɔɡ] in the pond [pɑnd].我喜欢看池塘里的小青蛙.【讲稿内容】Where is the bunny? Here!(指着坐在木桩上的正在看青蛙的小兔子)Bunny is sitting on a piece of wood and watching the frogs.(数青蛙)How many frogs are there? One,two,three,four! There are four frogs!(指着正在跳的那只青蛙)One frog is jumping.(引导宝宝跟着青蛙跳)Baby,can you jump like a frog?(指黄荷花)This is a yellow water lily.(找白小花)Can you find white flowers?Here.6. 第六页【绘本内容】When it rains,I keep dry under a toadstool['todstul].下雨的时候,我在蘑菇下避雨.【讲稿内容】Look,it’s raining!(嘴里说“哗哗哗”)Where is the bunny? Here!(指着小兔子)Woo~~~The Bunny is very clever ['klɛvɚ].He keeps dry under a toadstool.(指着那群白色小蘑菇)Woo~there are many toadstools on the grass!Who else is under a toadstool?(指着瓢虫)A Ladybug!Ladybug.(指青蛙)Oh, here is a frog!The frog likes the rain. He sit on a toadstool!7. 第七页【绘本内容】I blow the dandelion ['dændɪlaɪən] seeds into the air.我把蒲公英的种子往天上吹.【讲稿内容】Where is the bunny? Here!(家长用嘴吹一下)Bunny is blowing the seeds. blow!(再吹一下宝宝的头发)blow!Mama blows on baby.(说完吹一下,引导宝宝吹妈妈,多做几次吹的动作)Baby blows on mama. blow!(引导宝宝指黄花)Can you find a yellow flower? Here!8. 第八页【绘本内容】In the fall [fɔl], I like to watch the leaves falling from the trees.秋天,我喜欢看树叶从树上飘落.【讲稿内容】Where is the bunny? Here!(指叶子)Fall is coming. The leaves are falling from the trees!Bunny likes to watch the leaves falling from the trees.(指着半绿半红的树叶)The leaves change the color from green to red. green!(指红树叶)Red.9. 第九页【绘本内容】I watch the animals getting ready for the winter.我喜欢看动物们为冬天做准备.【讲稿内容】Fall is coming to an end.(指着树)The leaves turn red.(指着松鼠旁边的几个大的红叶子,重复)red leaves!red leaves! The grass also turns yellow. Where is the bunny? Here.What is bunny doing?(指松鼠,多重复几遍松鼠这个单词)Bunny is watching the squirrels [ˈskwɜ:rəl] getting ready for the winters. Squirrel. squirrel.(指松鼠嘴里的坚果)Squirrels like to eat nuts. Nut. Nut. Squirrels live in a hollow tree. Woo~ Raccoons [ræ'kun] also live in a hollow tree.(指那两只浣熊,多重复几次)this is a raccoon!raccoon!raccoon!Who else are on this page?(指着三只大雁)This the wild goose [ɡus]!(重复) Wild goose!(做飞的动作,嘴里发出“呜呜”的飞的声音)Wild goose are flying south! Fly. fly.10. 第十页【绘本内容】And, when winter comes, I watch the snow falling from the sky.冬天到了,我看着雪花从天空飘落.【讲稿内容】Where is the bunny? Here!(指兔子的帽子、手套)Bunny puts on his hat and gloves. Why?(学习冬季)Because the winter comes!(做出发抖的表情)It is cold!(用手指雪)this is snow. It is white. Bunny likes to touch the snow.11. 第十一页【绘本内容】Then I curl [kɝl] up in my hollow tree and dream about spring.我在空心树里蜷缩着身体睡着了,梦着来年春天.【讲稿内容】Where is the bunny? Here!(做脱衣服的动作)Bunny takes off his clothes.(指被子)Bunny is under the covers.(做出蜷缩身体的动作,让宝宝掌握这个动作)He curls up in the hollow tree. Curl up!(让宝宝经常练习说晚安)Say good night to bunny! Good night.文/Do妈----------------Do妈双语绘本讲义音标例句全都有帮助懒癌父母实现双语启蒙让绘本里的英文不再吃灰