备孕妈妈 想要打造一个双语bb 所以一直在寻找各路方式上前进 绘本 摸耳朵都听得很多了其实一开始我最想要知道的就是 怎么和宝宝说汉语里那些小孩语气的英语!!绘本你总不能每天都抱着绘本和他说话吧 最主要的还是日常用语啊!!奈何找不到偶然之间发现的从sh上看见的这个宝妈后来加了公众号 图一就是name~上没找到 所以我就做个搬运工~来个集合咯 方便大家统一一篇能看到全部嘻嘻1😄在汉语中 我们叫自己的宝宝 宝贝等昵称Little one; Honey bee; Cutie pie; Sweet pea; Sweetheart;Kiddo, Sport, etc.Daddy, daddy, what do you see?I see my little one/ honey bee/ cutie pie/ sweet pea/ sweetheart looking at me.2.😃存钱 零钱罐存钱: Save零用钱: Allowance存钱罐: Piggy bank (因为最早的存钱罐一般都是小粉猪的造型)Mom: What are you going to do with your allowance?Son: I'm going to put in my piggy bank.Mom: What are you saving up for? (Save up for: 存钱买...)Son: I want to get some new Legos.3😰除了nononono 还可以说什么??参考《大卫,不可以》Come back here, David! (大卫回来!)Be quiet! (安静一点!)Don't play with your food! (不要玩你的食物!)Tha't enough, David! (行了,可以了,够了!)Go to your room! (回你的房间!)Settle down! (消停一点!东北方言你们能听懂么?)Stop that this instant! (马上给我停下来!)Put your toys away! (把玩具收好!)Not in the house, David! (这个别在屋子里玩!)宝妈们根据情况自己加几级语气哦4😱宝宝撒谎怎么温柔的说 exampleAre you telling the truth? 你说的是实话吗?- You should't lie to me. 你不应该对我撒谎
- Did you really finish your homework? Because if you watch cartoons before you finish your school work, there will be consequences. 你真的做完作业了吗?如果你没做好作业就看卡通片,是会有后果的
这里的后果需要各位家长自行开发:不做完作业不能睡觉、不给零用钱、不能去游乐场、一周不能吃雪糕等等5 😠宝宝不礼貌怎么说?You're not getting anything with that attitude. 你态度如此不好,我什么都不会买给你/拿给你
(场景:超市等消费场所或家里,孩子请父母帮忙的时候)- I know you want a cookie, but did you ask nicely? 我知道你想吃饼干,但是你问我的方式礼貌吗?(场景:当孩子把父母当作佣人的时候 - 快给我一块饼干!是不是很耳熟?)- I heard you the first time, but I asked you to wait for a minute. I am in the middle of something. 你没必要重复很多次,我已经听见了,但是我也告诉你等一下,因为我现在正忙
(场景:孩子想要帮助或某样东西、但不顾及身边人是否有空、不给就大吵大闹的时候)- You are not being very nice. 你现在表现得不太礼貌
(场景:孩子故意让人难堪、无理取闹的时候 - 我不喜欢李阿姨!李阿姨最讨厌了!此处要和孩子害羞区分开)- Grandma just bought you a cool toy, did you thank her? 奶奶刚给你买了这么好的玩具,你说谢谢了吗?- I think you meant PLEASE pass me the water. 我觉得你是想说麻烦你帮我递一下水
(Thank you和Please是每个美国孩子必须学习的礼貌用语
相信我,在汉语当中孩子养成说“麻烦你”的习惯对他们也有百利而无一害)- So you want me to open this box for you... What do you say then? 你想让我帮你打开这个盒子,那么你应该怎么说呢?(这句话最礼貌的答案就是:Would you please open the box for me? 可不可以麻烦你帮我打开盒子?)6😲孩子不顺从的时候怎么说- You are not listening. 你没有听我的话
- Do that one more time and we are out of here. 如果你再做一次,我们马上离开
- Stop blowing bubbles in your juice or else I'm taking it away. 再往果汁里吹泡泡,我就把果汁拿走了
- I am not talking to you until you calm down. 在你平静下来以前,我什么都不想对你说
- We are not going out because it's raining. 我们不能出门,因为下雨了
- You need to apologize to her right now. 你必须马上向她道歉
- Since you didn't put your toys up, we are not watching Peppa Pig. 因为你没有收好玩具,今天我们不看《小猪佩奇》(这句话说了三四次以后,晟谦再也没有错过过《小猪佩奇》,他知道父母不是他的奴隶,自己的事情要自己做,否则会有后果)- I'm only saying this one more time... 我只再说一次...- Ten more minutes and we'll go back home. 再玩十分钟我们就回家
7😵接到孩子放学聊什么?How was your day? 你今天过得怎么样?Tell me about your day. 跟我讲讲你今天过得如何
Did you have a good day? 你今天过得好吗?Did you have a fun day? 今天有意思吗?What did you do at school today? 你在学校都做什么了?What was the best thing that happened at school today? 今天学校里发生的最棒的一件事是什么?What was the best part of your day? 今天最好的时刻是什么时候?当然有好事,也不免有难过的事:What was the worst part of your day? 今天最糟糕的事情是什么?8😜cold warm很多美国爸爸妈妈喜欢把东西藏起来,让小朋友们去找,如果他们离这个东西的藏身处很远,爸爸妈妈就会说You are cold. 反之就是You are warm. 等到孩子慢慢远离/靠近,爸爸妈妈又会说You are getting colder./You are getting warmer. 如果说You are hot! 那可不是夸孩子长得性感(哦哦,你觉得我不用解释这个吗?),而是说孩子离他要找的东西已经非常非常近了喜欢的请点赞 为我自己也为你们想要双语宝宝的宝妈们~ @薯宝宝宝宝学英文
- Did you really finish your homework? Because if you watch cartoons before you finish your school work, there will be consequences. 你真的做完作业了吗?如果你没做好作业就看卡通片,是会有后果的
这里的后果需要各位家长自行开发:不做完作业不能睡觉、不给零用钱、不能去游乐场、一周不能吃雪糕等等5 😠宝宝不礼貌怎么说?You're not getting anything with that attitude. 你态度如此不好,我什么都不会买给你/拿给你
(场景:超市等消费场所或家里,孩子请父母帮忙的时候)- I know you want a cookie, but did you ask nicely? 我知道你想吃饼干,但是你问我的方式礼貌吗?(场景:当孩子把父母当作佣人的时候 - 快给我一块饼干!是不是很耳熟?)- I heard you the first time, but I asked you to wait for a minute. I am in the middle of something. 你没必要重复很多次,我已经听见了,但是我也告诉你等一下,因为我现在正忙
(场景:孩子想要帮助或某样东西、但不顾及身边人是否有空、不给就大吵大闹的时候)- You are not being very nice. 你现在表现得不太礼貌
(场景:孩子故意让人难堪、无理取闹的时候 - 我不喜欢李阿姨!李阿姨最讨厌了!此处要和孩子害羞区分开)- Grandma just bought you a cool toy, did you thank her? 奶奶刚给你买了这么好的玩具,你说谢谢了吗?- I think you meant PLEASE pass me the water. 我觉得你是想说麻烦你帮我递一下水
(Thank you和Please是每个美国孩子必须学习的礼貌用语
相信我,在汉语当中孩子养成说“麻烦你”的习惯对他们也有百利而无一害)- So you want me to open this box for you... What do you say then? 你想让我帮你打开这个盒子,那么你应该怎么说呢?(这句话最礼貌的答案就是:Would you please open the box for me? 可不可以麻烦你帮我打开盒子?)6😲孩子不顺从的时候怎么说- You are not listening. 你没有听我的话
- Do that one more time and we are out of here. 如果你再做一次,我们马上离开
- Stop blowing bubbles in your juice or else I'm taking it away. 再往果汁里吹泡泡,我就把果汁拿走了
- I am not talking to you until you calm down. 在你平静下来以前,我什么都不想对你说
- We are not going out because it's raining. 我们不能出门,因为下雨了
- You need to apologize to her right now. 你必须马上向她道歉
- Since you didn't put your toys up, we are not watching Peppa Pig. 因为你没有收好玩具,今天我们不看《小猪佩奇》(这句话说了三四次以后,晟谦再也没有错过过《小猪佩奇》,他知道父母不是他的奴隶,自己的事情要自己做,否则会有后果)- I'm only saying this one more time... 我只再说一次...- Ten more minutes and we'll go back home. 再玩十分钟我们就回家
7😵接到孩子放学聊什么?How was your day? 你今天过得怎么样?Tell me about your day. 跟我讲讲你今天过得如何
Did you have a good day? 你今天过得好吗?Did you have a fun day? 今天有意思吗?What did you do at school today? 你在学校都做什么了?What was the best thing that happened at school today? 今天学校里发生的最棒的一件事是什么?What was the best part of your day? 今天最好的时刻是什么时候?当然有好事,也不免有难过的事:What was the worst part of your day? 今天最糟糕的事情是什么?8😜cold warm很多美国爸爸妈妈喜欢把东西藏起来,让小朋友们去找,如果他们离这个东西的藏身处很远,爸爸妈妈就会说You are cold. 反之就是You are warm. 等到孩子慢慢远离/靠近,爸爸妈妈又会说You are getting colder./You are getting warmer. 如果说You are hot! 那可不是夸孩子长得性感(哦哦,你觉得我不用解释这个吗?),而是说孩子离他要找的东西已经非常非常近了喜欢的请点赞 为我自己也为你们想要双语宝宝的宝妈们~ @薯宝宝宝宝学英文